There's a new video from the Hill that will give you a clue as to what you've been missing! This is where the heart of Golden Harmony really lies and you owe it to yourself to come out and see what this is all about....

November 27, 2010 Golden Harmony Kung-Fu, Toronto Advanced Level One Essay (Red Sash) - Dan Couto
Red Sash
I came to Golden Harmony Kung-Fu and Sifu Rupert Harvey after having spent many years as a martial arts practitioner at different schools training in a variety of styles. It is often said that it is best to stick to one school and perfect one art. Having gone in the opposite direction, I would disagree with that statement unless that art was Kung-Fu. For as I have learned, it is the basis from which all other martial arts spring. And Tai Mantis Kung-Fu (the style taught at Golden Harmony Kung-Fu) is the final style of Kung-Fu of the Northern Shaolin line. As such, it incorporates the best elements of all the other animal styles that preceded it. This is the style that I have been fortunate enough to encounter and the path I am now on.

January 31st, 2011 Golden Harmony Kung Fu, Virginia Blog #2- Sifu Gordon Wicks
What is Chi?
A big question asked by students of Chi- Gong: What the heck is Chi? This term is too often misunderstood, and misrepresented. It is very simple yet not as easy to explain. Chi- simply translated means "breathe". Gong- work. The practice of Chi- Gong is "breathe work". Chi has been said to be many things; life force energy, the ethereal substance that binds all things, electromagnetic energy, so on and so on. Truthfully, Chi is fundamental basis of all animate beings. The first page of the book of Genesis, refers to this as the Word (I assume spoken from the breathe of the Divine). Chi within the body is the elixir of oxygen mixed with the chemicals from the the reproductive organs and glands within the blood. As this concoctions moves through the organs, and tissues of the body, it causes the cells to vibrate at certain frequencies. This in turn causes an electromagnetic charge that stimulates the tissues and creates field or spherical wave around the cells, the organs and tissues and the body.